Which Digital Marketing Course is Right for Me?

Learn how to pinpoint your learning style so you can start making sales!

Have you been buying course after course, plus guides, and groups and are still feeling stuck in your MRR and Digital Marketing Journey?

This post is for you!

✨✨Intro: The Overwhelming Digital Marketing Course Market✨✨

Digital marketing is one of the fastest-growing industries, offering endless opportunities for entrepreneurs and creatives to build thriving businesses online. 

As we’ve stated in previous blog posts, there is a lot of confusion online on what exactly is digital marketing?

As a refresher, digital marketing= marketing online.

There are courses, products and mentorships out there that are teaching people the basics of starting and marketing a business online, and many of these digital products come with special licenses that allow the customer to resell them as well.

To be clear, selling and reselling courses is
not digital marketing.

We USE digital marketing to sell these digital products, and they happen to teach digital marketing, but EVERY TYPE OF BUSINESS uses Digital Marketing.

With that said, the sheer number of digital marketing courses, guides, and products available can leave beginners feeling overwhelmed

How do you know which course to buy?

And why do some courses & guides seem like a perfect fit for others while the same information seems to leave you scratching your head?

Maybe it’s the (real & photoshopped) income claims, which can be an effective marketing tactic when used sparingly.

What if the The answer is not in the course content itself…

What if, the products you’ve learned from so far clash with your learning style aka how ✨you✨ learn best??

Think back to school or even creative projects or hobbies you have now.

How do you digest information best?

In this post, we’re going to touch on some different learning styles with some suggestions on formats that may work best for you!

You may be reading this after buying multiple courses, e-books, e-book bundles to learn from or resell, but you’re still not seeing results.

Lets’ dive in and see if some of these suggestions can help!

✨✨Section 1: It’s Not Just the Course—It’s Your Learning Style✨✨

The challenge many digital marketers face isn’t a lack of information (heaven knows there's a TON of info out there)—it’s aligning that information with their learning style. 

Just like in school, the way we absorb knowledge differs from person to person. 

Here’s a breakdown of common learning styles and the type of digital marketing content that can benefit each.

✨✨1. Visual Learners: The Power of Seeing is Believing✨✨

Visual learners thrive when they can ✨see✨ what’s happening. They often benefit from courses rich in videos, infographics, charts, and diagrams.


- ✨✨Video Tutorials & Vlogs✨✨: These can be YouTube videos, course modules, or even Instagram reels that provide step-by-step processes. Think explainer videos with visual aids, product walkthroughs, and video ads with engaging visuals.

- ✨✨Infographics✨✨: These learners excel when content is condensed into simple visuals like diagrams or flowcharts. A digital marketing strategy map showing customer journeys, email funnels, or a visual breakdown of a sales funnel could help them grasp complex concepts quickly.

✨✨Course Example✨✨: A video-based course on "Building an Email Marketing Funnel" that includes accompanying flowcharts for visual learners.

✨✨2. Kinesthetic Learners: Learning by Doing✨✨

Kinesthetic learners absorb knowledge best by diving into action. They prefer courses that allow them to practice the techniques they’re learning in real-time.


- ✨✨Interactive Workshops & Challenges✨✨: Hands-on courses with action steps that require learners to implement strategies immediately are ideal. These could be “7-Day Instagram Growth Challenges” where participants post and engage daily. Auditory learners may also enjoy Tutorial style videos where you can pause the video then apply the lesson

- ✨✨Templates & Worksheets✨✨: Tools that allow learners to actively engage with the material, like customizable Canva templates, spreadsheets, or step-by-step guides for ad campaigns.

✨✨Course Example✨✨: A practical course on "Running Facebook Ads" where participants create and run ads during the course with actionable feedback.

✨✨3. Auditory Learners: Absorbing Through Listening✨✨

Auditory learners need to hear the information to fully grasp it. Audio-based content works best for them, from podcasts to webinars and even courses delivered in audio form.

(I’ll also include people who learn through talking through problems/lessons in this section, because I learned recently that is how I personally process information)


- ✨✨Podcasts & Recorded Webinars✨✨: Long-form audio content that breaks down digital marketing strategies while walking through the process helps auditory learners pick up key insights.

- ✨✨Group Discussions✨✨: Auditory learners might also thrive in community-based learning environments like masterminds or live Q&A calls where they can discuss and process information.

✨✨Course Example✨✨: A "Social Media Growth Podcast Series" that explains the ins and outs of scaling your Instagram or TikTok, delivered in engaging episodes.

✨✨4. Reading/Writing Learners: The Pen is Mightier✨✨

Reading/Writing learners thrive when they can absorb content through the written word. They often excel with detailed guides, e-books, and in-depth blog posts.


- ✨✨E-books, Workbooks & Guides✨✨: Long-form text that explains the intricacies of digital marketing techniques with examples and case studies.

- ✨✨Blog Posts & Articles✨✨: Step-by-step blog posts on topics like SEO, email marketing, or product launches allow these learners to take notes, digest the information, and revisit it whenever needed.

✨✨Course Example✨✨: A comprehensive e-book on "Scaling Your Digital Product Business," filled with case studies, detailed examples, and exercises for readers to apply the lessons.

✨✨Section 2: Why Knowing Your Learning Style Matters✨✨

Understanding your learning style can transform your digital marketing journey. (and tbh how you interact with the world as a whole)

When you pick a course, guide, or tool that’s aligned with how you naturally absorb information, you’re more likely to stay engaged and see results faster. 

The process becomes more enjoyable and less frustrating, which means you’re less likely to feel stuck or burned out.

Before purchasing your next digital marketing course, take a moment to consider how you best absorb information.

Did you thrive with videos and diagrams in school? 

Or did you prefer hands-on activities? 

Are you more likely to succeed with step-by-step video walkthroughs, or do you need an interactive component to stay engaged?

Finding the right fit can be a game-changer.

As you’ve probably realized, you may fall under more than one of these categories and that’s perfectly fine!

The key is that you’re figuring out how your brain works, so that you can start to work with it, rather than against it.

✨✨Section 3: For Digital Marketers: Consider Your Audience’s Learning Styles Too✨✨

Now, let’s flip the script.

As a digital marketer, you’re also a content creator. 

It’s about understanding your learning style AND about recognizing the different ways your audience learns too.

When creating content for your audience, consider offering a variety of formats to cater to different learning styles.

If you’re only doing video tutorials, you might be missing out on connecting with reading/writing learners.

Conversely, if all you produce are e-books, visual learners may feel left out.

(The great thing is that there are SO MANY apps, programs and AI that can help you streamline this process, when I started in business 15+ years ago, this would’ve allllll been manual.)

✨✨Examples of Content for Different Learning Styles✨✨

-Visual Learners: Create video walkthroughs, infographics, visual breakdowns of processes, and engaging Instagram stories that visually illustrate your points.

- Kinesthetic Learners: Offer hands-on challenges, templates they can immediately use, and practical tasks to implement in real-time. Consider creating interactive content like quizzes or checklists.

- Auditory Learners: Add a podcast to your content mix or record audio versions of your blog posts. Host webinars and livestreams on social media where you discuss strategies in-depth with the opportunity for live Q&A.

-Reading/Writing Learners: Continue to develop comprehensive blog posts, guides, and e-books. Offer detailed written explanations with downloadable notes, worksheets, or summaries.

Offering diverse types of content helps you reach a broader audience and boosts engagement. You’re providing more opportunities for your followers to connect with your content, regardless of how they prefer to learn.

✨✨Section 4: How This Applies to Your Business✨✨

By catering to multiple learning styles, you’ll not only enhance your audience’s experience but also boost the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts. 

Learning styles can impact how your audience interacts with your email campaigns, social media content, and even the digital products you create. 

Consider applying these strategies:

- Social Media Posts: Incorporate carousels with text for reading/writing learners, videos for visual learners, and links to podcasts or audio content for auditory learners.

- Email Marketing: Offer a blend of engaging visuals, concise text, and links to multimedia content to cater to multiple learning styles.

- Digital Products: When creating e-books, courses, or guides, think about bundling different formats. 

Offer both written and audio versions or include videos alongside your text-based products to appeal to different types of learners.

(You can add the video to a google drive or keep it “unlisted” on youtube where only people who have the direct link from the ebook can view it)

By the way, this blog post is an example of me catering to those who learn best by reading.

Our Youtube Channel will have videos coming soon for my Visual and Kinesthetic learners, and so on! (Click Here to Subscribe so You don’t Miss out when we start!)

✨✨Conclusion: Don’t Just Buy Courses—Invest in Your Learning✨✨

Remember, the best digital marketing course isn’t necessarily the one with the most bells and whistles (aka income claims)—it’s the one that matches your learning style. 

As a digital marketer, understanding how your audience learns is equally important in delivering effective content that resonates.

Before you hit ‘buy’ on the next $500 course, $17 guide, or $1000+ mentorship, ask yourself: 

How do I learn best? And how can I apply that understanding to my digital marketing efforts?

Ready to dive deeper into digital marketing?

Read the other posts on The Magic PLR blog where we’ve broken down everything from picking the right digital product to the basics of Digital Marketing 🚀💡




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